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31 - 40 of 315 for Gyroelongated Pentagonal PyramidSearch Results
Johnson solid J_(22).
A set of numbers obeying a pattern like the following: 91·37 = 3367 (1) 9901·3367 = 33336667 (2) 999001·333667 = 333333666667 (3) 99990001·33336667 = 3333333366666667 (4) 4^2 ...
Johnson solid J_7.
The pentagonal prism is a prism having two pentagonal bases and five rectangular sides. It is a heptahedron. The regular right pentagonal prism is uniform polyhedron U_(76). ...
A polygonal number of the form n(3n-1)/2. The first few are 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70, ... (OEIS A000326). The generating function for the pentagonal numbers is ...
The pentagonal rotunda is a convex polyhedron consisting of half of an icosidodecahedron, with the base being filled in by a decagon. It has 10 triangular and five pentagonal ...
The skeleton graphs of the Johnson solids are polyhedral graphs. The Johnson skeleton graphs J_3 and J_(63) are minimal unit-distance forbidden graphs. The skeleton of the ...
The pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(33). The unit pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda has volume V=5/(12)(11+5sqrt(5)) (1) and ...
A trapezohedron that is the dual polyhedron of the pentagonal antiprism U_(77). It is also (confusingly) known as the pentagonal deltohedron.
The pentagonal icositetrahedron is the 24-faced dual polyhedron of the snub cube A_7 and Wenninger dual W_(17). The mineral cuprite (Cu_2O) forms in pentagonal ...
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