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Let T(m) denote the set of the phi(m) numbers less than and relatively prime to m, where phi(n) is the totient function. Define f_m(x)=product_(t in T(m))(x-t). (1) Then a ...
Let m>=3 be an integer and let f(x)=sum_(k=0)^na_kx^(n-k) be an integer polynomial that has at least one real root. Then f(x) has infinitely many prime divisors that are not ...
The bei_nu(z) function is defined through the equation J_nu(ze^(3pii/4))=ber_nu(z)+ibei_nu(z), (1) where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind, so ...
An identity in calculus of variations discovered in 1868 by Beltrami. The Euler-Lagrange differential equation is (partialf)/(partialy)-d/(dx)((partialf)/(partialy_x))=0. (1) ...
(dy)/(dx)+p(x)y=q(x)y^n. (1) Let v=y^(1-n) for n!=1. Then (dv)/(dx)=(1-n)y^(-n)(dy)/(dx). (2) Rewriting (1) gives y^(-n)(dy)/(dx) = q(x)-p(x)y^(1-n) (3) = q(x)-vp(x). (4) ...
The base 2 method of counting in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used. In this base, the number 1011 equals 1·2^0+1·2^1+0·2^2+1·2^3=11. This base is used in computers, ...
A searching algorithm which works on a sorted table by testing the middle of an interval, eliminating the half of the table in which the key cannot lie, and then repeating ...
A function f(x) is said to have bounded variation if, over the closed interval x in [a,b], there exists an M such that |f(x_1)-f(a)|+|f(x_2)-f(x_1)|+... +|f(b)-f(x_(n-1))|<=M ...
A Brier number is a number that is both a Riesel number and a Sierpiński number of the second kind, i.e., a number n such that for all k>=1, the numbers n·2^k+1 and n·2^k-1 ...
A Tschirnhausen transformation can be used to take a general quintic equation to the form x^5-x-a=0, where a may be complex.
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