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701 - 710 of 1416 for Gompertz ConstantSearch Results
The center of a group is the set of elements which commute with every element of the group. It is equal to the intersection of the centralizers of the group elements.
For n>=3, there exist no additive finite and invariant measures for the group of displacements in R^n.
Given a positive sequence {a_n}, sqrt(sum_(j=-infty)^infty|sum_(n=-infty; n!=j)^infty(a_n)/(j-n)|^2)<=pisqrt(sum_(n=-infty)^infty|a_n|^2), (1) where the a_ns are real and ...
Every modular system has a modular system basis consisting of a finite number of polynomials. Stated another way, for every order n there exists a nonsingular curve with the ...
The mathematical study of a nonlinear equation f(phi)=y, where f maps from a Hilbert space X to a Hilbert space Y and y in Y which abstracts the construction of optical ...
A solution of a linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation with polynomial coefficients.
A general concept in category theory involving the globalization of topological or differential structures. The term derives from the Greek omicronlambdaomicronsigma (holos) ...
Two lengths are called incommensurate or incommensurable if their ratio cannot be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers. Irrational numbers and transcendental numbers are ...
Given a convex plane region with area A and perimeter p, then |N-A|<p, where N is the number of enclosed lattice points.
A Jensen disk is a disk in the complex plane whose diameter joins complex conjugate roots of a polynomial (Trott 2004, p. 22).
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