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321 - 330 of 1416 for Gompertz ConstantSearch Results

A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) defined by the coordinate transformation x = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)cospsi (1) y = (munu)/((mu^2+nu^2)^2)sinpsi (2) z = ...
The Dehn invariant is a constant defined using the angles and edge lengths of a three-dimensional polyhedron. It is significant because it remains constant under polyhedron ...
If all the diagonals--including those obtained by "wrapping around" the edges--of a magic square sum to the same magic constant, the square is said to be a panmagic square ...
An algorithm which finds a polynomial recurrence for terminating hypergeometric identities of the form sum_(k)(n; ...
Let [a_0;a_1,a_2,...] be the simple continued fraction of a "generic" real number, where the numbers a_i are the partial quotients. Then the Khinchin (or Khintchine) harmonic ...
Let ||f|| be the supremum of |f(x)|, a real-valued function f defined on (0,infty). If f is twice differentiable and both f and f^('') are bounded, Landau (1913) showed that ...
Let {a_i}_(i=1)^n be a set of positive numbers. Then sum_(i=1)^n(a_1a_2...a_i)^(1/i)<=esum_(i=1)^na_i (which is given incorrectly in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000). Here, the ...
Hadjicostas's formula is a generalization of the unit square double integral gamma=int_0^1int_0^1(x-1)/((1-xy)ln(xy))dxdy (1) (Sondow 2003, 2005; Borwein et al. 2004, p. 49), ...
A hyperbola (plural "hyperbolas"; Gray 1997, p. 45) is a conic section defined as the locus of all points P in the plane the difference of whose distances r_1=F_1P and ...
The descending chain condition, commonly abbreviated "D.C.C.," is the dual notion of the ascending chain condition. The descending chain condition for a partially ordered set ...
