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Hardy and Littlewood (1914) proved that the sequence {frac(x^n)}, where frac(x) is the fractional part, is equidistributed for almost all real numbers x>1 (i.e., the ...
Binet's formula is an equation which gives the nth Fibonacci number as a difference of positive and negative nth powers of the golden ratio phi. It can be written as F_n = ...
The endodocehedron, also called the concave pyrohedral dodecahedron, is the concave solid corresponding to the interior void formed when each face of a regular dodecahedron ...
The omega constant is defined as W(1)=0.5671432904... (1) (OEIS A030178), where W(x) is the Lambert W-function. It is available in the Wolfram Language using the function ...
Closed forms are known for the sums of reciprocals of even-indexed Lucas numbers P_L^((e)) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(L_(2n)) (1) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(phi^(2n)+phi^(-2n)) (2) = ...
The beautiful arrangement of leaves in some plants, called phyllotaxis, obeys a number of subtle mathematical relationships. For instance, the florets in the head of a ...
The logarithmic spiral is a spiral whose polar equation is given by r=ae^(btheta), (1) where r is the distance from the origin, theta is the angle from the x-axis, and a and ...
The sequence defined by G(0)=0 and G(n)=n-G(G(n-1)). (1) The first few terms for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, ... (OEIS A005206). This can be ...
A game played with two heaps of counters in which a player may take any number from either heap or the same number from both. The player taking the last counter wins. The rth ...
The nth Beraha constant (or number) is given by B(n)=2+2cos((2pi)/n). B(5) is phi+1, where phi is the golden ratio, B(7) is the silver constant, and B(10)=phi+2. The ...
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