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A number x in which the first n decimal digits of the fractional part frac(x) sum to 666 is known as an evil number (Pegg and Lomont 2004). However, the term "evil" is also ...
A (k,l)-multigrade equation is a Diophantine equation of the form sum_(i=1)^ln_i^j=sum_(i=1)^lm_i^j (1) for j=1, ..., k, where m and n are l-vectors. Multigrade identities ...
Expressions of the form lim_(k->infty)x_0+sqrt(x_1+sqrt(x_2+sqrt(...+x_k))) (1) are called nested radicals. Herschfeld (1935) proved that a nested radical of real nonnegative ...
The biconjugate gradient method often displays rather irregular convergence behavior. Moreover, the implicit LU decomposition of the reduced tridiagonal system may not exist, ...
The Sierpiński gasket graph of order n is the graph obtained from the connectivity of the Sierpiński sieve. The first few Sierpiński gasket graphs are illustrated above. S_2 ...
A base-b BBP-type formula is a convergent series formula of the type alpha=sum_(k=0)^infty(p(k))/(b^kq(k)) (1) where p(k) and q(k) are integer polynomials in k (Bailey 2000; ...
A (-1,0,1)-matrix is a matrix whose elements consist only of the numbers -1, 0, or 1. The number of distinct (-1,0,1)-n×n matrices (counting row and column permutations, the ...
The third prime number, which is also the second Fermat prime, the third Sophie Germain prime, and Fibonacci number F_4. It is an Eisenstein prime, but not a Gaussian prime, ...
An acyclic digraph is a directed graph containing no directed cycles, also known as a directed acyclic graph or a "DAG." Every finite acyclic digraph has at least one node of ...
A dissection fallacy is an apparent paradox arising when two plane figures with different areas seem to be composed by the same finite set of parts. In order to produce this ...
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