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211 - 220 of 555 for Golden+RatioSearch Results
The cosine function cosx is one of the basic functions encountered in trigonometry (the others being the cosecant, cotangent, secant, sine, and tangent). Let theta be an ...
An Eisenstein series with half-period ratio tau and index r is defined by G_r(tau)=sum^'_(m=-infty)^inftysum^'_(n=-infty)^infty1/((m+ntau)^r), (1) where the sum sum^(') ...
The pentagonal dipyramid is one of the convex deltahedra, and Johnson solid J_(13). It is also the dual polyhedron of the pentagonal prism U_(76) and is an isohedron. It is ...
In this work, the name Pythagoras's constant will be given to the square root of 2, sqrt(2)=1.4142135623... (1) (OEIS A002193), which the Pythagoreans proved to be ...
The tangent function is defined by tanx=(sinx)/(cosx), (1) where sinx is the sine function and cosx is the cosine function. The notation tgx is sometimes also used ...
The curlicue fractal is a figure obtained by the following procedure. Let s be an irrational number. Begin with a line segment of unit length, which makes an angle phi_0=0 to ...
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi = C/d (1) = C/(2r) (2) pi has decimal expansion ...
One of the logic operators AND ^ , OR v , and NOT ¬.
An algorithm which extrapolates the partial sums s_n of a series sum_(n)a_n whose convergence is approximately geometric and accelerates its rate of convergence. The ...
The Wolfram Physics Project posits the existence of abstract relations between atoms of space whose pattern defines the structure of physical space. In this approach, two ...
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