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151 - 160 of 555 for Golden+RatioSearch Results
The Steiner deltoid is the envelope of the Simson lines of a triangle. Its circumcircle is the Steiner circle, and its incircle is the nine-point circle. The triangle formed ...
A generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q(a_1,...,a_p;b_1,...,b_q;x) is a function which can be defined in the form of a hypergeometric series, i.e., a series for which the ...
Given a Jacobi theta function, the nome is defined as q(k) = e^(piitau) (1) = e^(-piK^'(k)/K(k)) (2) = e^(-piK(sqrt(1-k^2))/K(k)) (3) (Borwein and Borwein 1987, pp. 41, 109 ...
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
Let omega_1 and omega_2 be periods of a doubly periodic function, with tau=omega_2/omega_1 the half-period ratio a number with I[tau]!=0. Then Klein's absolute invariant ...
Approximants derived by expanding a function as a ratio of two power series and determining both the numerator and denominator coefficients. Padé approximations are usually ...
Given a point set P={x_n}_(n=0)^(N-1) in the s-dimensional unit cube [0,1)^s, the star discrepancy is defined as D_N^*(P)=sup_(J in Upsilon^*)D(J,P), (1) where the local ...
A nonreflexible regular map of genus 7 with eight graph vertices, 28 graph edges, and eight heptagonal faces.
A space X is locally pathwise-connected if for every neighborhood around every point in X, there is a smaller, pathwise-connected neighborhood.
A theorem in game theory which guarantees the existence of a set of mixed strategies for finite, noncooperative games of two or more players in which no player can improve ...
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