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291 - 300 of 702 for Goldbach ConjectureSearch Results
Finding the densest not necessarily periodic sphere packing.
Every Möbius strip dissection of unequal squares can be glued along its edge to produce a dissection of the Klein bottle. There are no other ways to tile a Klein bottle with ...
n divides a^n-a for all integers a iff n is squarefree and (p-1)|(n-1) for all prime divisors p of n. Carmichael numbers satisfy this criterion.
The conjecture that the Artin L-function of any n-dimensional complex representation of the Galois group of a finite extension of the rational numbers Q is an Artin ...
In the plane, there are 17 lattice groups, eight of which are pure translation. In R^3, there are 32 point groups and 230 space groups. In R^4, there are 4783 space lattice ...
A type of diagram invented by Lewis Carroll (the name is an abbreviation of "Lewis") that can be used to determine the number of minimal covers of n numbers with k members.
Let each sphere in a sphere packing expand uniformly until it touches its neighbors on flat faces. Call the resulting polyhedron the local cell. Then the local density is ...
The study of a finite group G using the local subgroups of G. Local group theory plays a critical role in the classification theorem of finite groups.
For a two-dimensional map with sigma_2>sigma_1, d_(Lya)=1-(sigma_1)/(sigma_2), where sigma_n are the Lyapunov characteristic exponents.
A number triangle of order n with entries 1 to n such that entries are nondecreasing across rows and down columns and all entries in column j are less than or equal to j. An ...
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