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A function with k continuous derivatives is called a C^k function. In order to specify a C^k function on a domain X, the notation C^k(X) is used. The most common C^k space is ...
The term "recursive function" is often used informally to describe any function that is defined with recursion. There are several formal counterparts to this informal ...
A function f(x_1,...,x_n) of one or more variables whose range is one-dimensional, as compared to a vector function, whose range is three-dimensional (or, in general, ...
A constant function is function f(x)=c whose value does not change as its parameters vary. The function graph of a one-dimensional constant function is a straight line. The ...
In calculus, geometry, and plotting contexts, the term "linear function" means a function whose graph is a straight line, i.e., a polynomial function of degree 0 or 1. A ...
There are several commonly used methods of defining the slippery, but extremely important, concept of a continuous function (which, depending on context, may also be called a ...
There are a number of functions in various branches of mathematics known as Riemann functions. Examples include the Riemann P-series, Riemann-Siegel functions, Riemann theta ...
A function f(x) is said to be concave on an interval [a,b] if, for any points x_1 and x_2 in [a,b], the function -f(x) is convex on that interval (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000).
For R[mu+nu]>1, int_(-pi/2)^(pi/2)cos^(mu+nu-2)thetae^(itheta(mu-nu+2xi))dtheta=(piGamma(mu+nu-1))/(2^(mu+nu-2)Gamma(mu+xi)Gamma(nu-xi)), where Gamma(z) is the gamma function.
An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled ...
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