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The two-dimensional Hammersley point set of order m is defined by taking all numbers in the range from 0 to 2^m-1 and interpreting them as binary fractions. Calling these ...
Let l(x) be an nth degree polynomial with zeros at x_1, ..., x_n. Then the fundamental Hermite interpolating polynomials of the first and second kinds are defined by ...
The mean triangle area of a triangle picked inside a regular hexagon with unit area is A^_=289/3888 (Woolhouse 1867, Pfiefer 1989). This is a special case of a general ...
The notion of height is defined for proper ideals in a commutative Noetherian unit ring R. The height of a proper prime ideal P of R is the maximum of the lengths n of the ...
A point process N on R is said to be interval stationary if for every r=1,2,3,... and for all integers i_i,...,i_r, the joint distribution of {tau_(i_1+k),...,tau_(i_r+k)} ...
The expected number of real zeros E_n of a random polynomial of degree n if the coefficients are independent and distributed normally is given by E_n = ...
A complex manifold for which the exterior derivative of the fundamental form Omega associated with the given Hermitian metric vanishes, so dOmega=0. In other words, it is a ...
The operator tpartial/partialr that can be used to derive multivariate formulas for moments and cumulants from corresponding univariate formulas. For example, to derive the ...
The point Ko of concurrence in Kosnita theorem, i.e., the point of concurrence of the lines connecting the vertices A, B, and C of a triangle DeltaABC with the circumcenters ...
A "law of large numbers" is one of several theorems expressing the idea that as the number of trials of a random process increases, the percentage difference between the ...
