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811 - 820 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results

Given a spheroid with equatorial radius a and polar radius c, the ellipticity is defined by e={sqrt((a^2-c^2)/(a^2)) c<a (oblate spheroid); sqrt((c^2-a^2)/(c^2)) c>a (prolate ...
Given a module M over a unit ring R, the set End_R(M) of its module endomorphisms is a ring with respect to the addition of maps, (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), for all x in M, and the ...
A 180 degrees rotation of a tangle. The word "flype" is derived from the old Scottish verb meaning "to turn or fold back." Tait (1898) used this word to indicate a different ...
Let C_(L,M) be a Padé approximant. Then C_((L+1)/M)S_((L-1)/M)-C_(L/(M+1))S_(L/(M+1)) = C_(L/M)S_(L/M) (1) C_(L/(M+1))S_((L+1)/M)-C_((L+1)/M)S_(L/(M+1)) = ...
On a Riemannian manifold, there is a unique connection which is torsion-free and compatible with the metric. This connection is called the Levi-Civita connection.
Let G be a group and S be a set. Then S is called a left G-set if there exists a map phi:G×S->S such that phi(g_1,phi(g_2,s))=phi(g_1g_2,s) for all s in S and all g_1,g_2 in ...
The statistical index P_G=[product((p_n)/(p_0))^(v_0)]^(1/Sigmav_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n, q_n is the quantity produced in period n, and v_n=p_nq_n the ...
The partial differential equation u_t=(1+ia)u_(xx)+(1+ic)u-(1+id)|u|^2u.
One of the eight convex deltahedra built up from 16 equilateral triangles. It consists of two oppositely faced square pyramids rotated 45 degrees to each other and separated ...
Hansen's problem is a problem in surveying described as follows. From the position of two known but inaccessible points A and B, determine the position of two unknown ...
