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271 - 280 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results

A fractional derivative of order 1/2. The semiderivative of t^lambda is given by D^(1/2)t^lambda=(t^(lambda-1/2)Gamma(lambda+1))/(Gamma(lambda+1/2)), so the semiderivative of ...
One of the seven 4-polyhexes. S. Kim has observed that four worms solve the puzzle of finding a non-three-colorable map with only four congruent countries (as long as no ...
If q_n is the nth prime such that M_(q_n) is a Mersenne prime, then q_n∼(3/2)^n. It was modified by Wagstaff (1983) to yield Wagstaff's conjecture, q_n∼(2^(e^(-gamma)))^n, ...
Ein(z) = int_0^z((1-e^(-t))dt)/t (1) = E_1(z)+lnz+gamma, (2) where gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and E_1 is the En-function with n=1.
D^*Dpsi=del ^*del psi+1/4Rpsi-1/2F_L^+(psi), where D is the Dirac operator D:Gamma(W^+)->Gamma(W^-), del is the covariant derivative on spinors, R is the scalar curvature, ...
The winding number of a contour gamma about a point z_0, denoted n(gamma,z_0), is defined by n(gamma,z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(dz)/(z-z_0) and gives the number of times gamma ...
A graph Gamma is locally Petersen if, for each point t of Gamma, the graph induced by Gamma on all points adjacent to t (i.e., the neighborhood graph) is isomorphic to the ...
The W-transform of a function f(x) is defined by the integral where Gamma[(beta_m)+s, 1-(alpha_n)-s; (alpha_p^(n+1))+s, 1-(beta_q^(m+1))-s] =Gamma[beta_1+s, ..., beta_m+s, ...
The reciprocal of the arithmetic-geometric mean of 1 and sqrt(2), G = 2/piint_0^11/(sqrt(1-x^4))dx (1) = 2/piint_0^(pi/2)(dtheta)/(sqrt(1+sin^2theta)) (2) = L/pi (3) = ...
The probability Q_delta that a random sample from an infinite normally distributed universe will have a mean m within a distance |delta| of the mean mu of the universe is ...
