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The "ternary" Champernowne constant can be defined by concatenating the ternary representations of the integers C_3 = 0.(1)(2)(1,0)(1,1)(1,2)(2,0)..._3 (1) = ...
The tetrahemihexahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 4 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 67 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 36 (Coxeter et al. 1954), and Har'El ...
An example of a subspace of the Euclidean plane that is connected but not pathwise-connected with respect to the relative topology. It is formed by the ray y=0, x<=0 and the ...
The transitive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the minimal transitive relation R^' on X that contains R. Thus aR^'b for any elements a and b of X provided that ...
The trilogarithm Li_3(z), sometimes also denoted L_3, is special case of the polylogarithm Li_n(z) for n=3. Note that the notation Li_3(x) for the trilogarithm is ...
A graph for which the relations between pairs of vertices are symmetric, so that each edge has no directional character (as opposed to a directed graph). Unless otherwise ...
An ungraceful graph is a simple graph that does not possess a graceful labeling, i.e., a graph that is not a graceful graph (Gardner 1972). Such graphs have also been termed ...
Let h:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) be efficiently computable by an algorithm (solving a P-problem). For fixed y in {0,1}^(l(n)), view h(x,y) as a function h_y(x) of x ...
Let F_n be the nth Fibonacci number, and let (p|5) be a Legendre symbol so that e_p=(p/5)={1 for p=1,4 (mod 5); -1 for p=2,3 (mod 5). (1) A prime p is called a Wall-Sun-Sun ...
Willans' formula is a prime-generating formula due to Willan (1964) that is defined as follows. Let F(j) = |_cos^2[pi((j-1)!+1)/j]_| (1) = {1 for j=1 or j prime; 0 otherwise ...
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