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An H-space, named after Heinz Hopf, and sometimes also called a Hopf space, is a topological space together with a continuous binary operation mu:X×X->X, such that there ...
There are two types of functions known as Hankel functions. The more common one is a complex function (also called a Bessel function of the third kind, or Weber Function) ...
An apodization function, also called the Hann function, frequently used to reduce leakage in discrete Fourier transforms. The illustrations above show the Hanning function, ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in prolate spheroidal coordinates.
A flexagon made by folding a strip into adjacent equilateral triangles. The number of states possible in a hexaflexagon is the Catalan number C_5=42.
The pair of sequences defined by F(0)=1, M(0)=0, and F(n) = n-M(F(n-1)) (1) M(n) = n-F(M(n-1)). (2) The first few terms of the "male" sequence M(n) for n=0, 1, ... are 0, 0, ...
Let (A,<=) be a well ordered set. Then the set {a in A:a<k} for some k in A is called an initial segment of A (Rubin 1967, p. 161; Dauben 1990, pp. 196-197; Moore 1982, pp. ...
Let sumu_k be a series with positive terms and let f(x) be the function that results when k is replaced by x in the formula for u_k. If f is decreasing and continuous for ...
Admitting an inverse. An object that is invertible is referred to as an invertible element in a monoid or a unit ring, or to a map, which admits an inverse map iff it is ...
Let S(T) be the group of symmetries which map a monohedral tiling T onto itself. The transitivity class of a given tile T is then the collection of all tiles to which T can ...
