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101 - 110 of 1230 for Frullanis IntegralSearch Results

The Lehmer-Mahler is the following integral representation for the Legendre polynomial P_n(x): P_n(costheta) = 1/piint_0^pi(costheta+isinthetacosphi)^ndphi (1) = ...
j_n(z)=(z^n)/(2^(n+1)n!)int_0^picos(zcostheta)sin^(2n+1)thetadtheta, where j_n(z) is a spherical Bessel function of the first kind.
int_a^bf_1(x)dxint_a^bf_2(x)dx...int_a^bf_n(x)dx <=(b-a)^(n-1)int_a^bf_1(x)f_2(x)...f_n(x)dx, where f_1, f_2, ..., f_n are nonnegative integrable functions on [a,b] which are ...
A type of integral containing gamma functions in its integrand. A typical such integral is given by ...
Integrals over the unit square arising in geometric probability are int_0^1int_0^1sqrt(x^2+y^2)dxdy=1/3[sqrt(2)+sinh^(-1)(1)] int_0^1int_0^1sqrt((x-1/2)^2+(y-1/2)^2)dxdy ...
An integral equation of the form phi(x)=f(x)+lambdaint_(-infty)^inftyK(x,t)phi(t)dt (1) phi(x)=1/(sqrt(2pi))int_(-infty)^infty(F(t)e^(-ixt)dt)/(1-sqrt(2pi)lambdaK(t)). (2) ...
A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind phi(x)=f(x)+lambdaint_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt (1) may be solved as follows. Take phi_0(x) = f(x) (2) phi_1(x) = ...
A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is an integral equation of the form f(x)=int_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt, (1) where K(x,t) is the kernel and phi(t) is an unknown ...
An integral equation of the form f(x)=int_a^xK(x,t)phi(t)dt, where K(x,t) is the integral kernel, f(x) is a specified function, and phi(t) is the function to be solved for.
An integral equation of the form phi(x)=f(x)+int_a^xK(x,t)phi(t)dt, where K(x,t) is the integral kernel, f(x) is a specified function, and phi(t) is the function to be solved ...
