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The Wiener-Hopf method is a powerful technique which enables certain linear partial differential equations subject to boundary conditions on semi-infinite domains to be ...
An automorphism is an isomorphism of a system of objects onto itself. The term derives from the Greek prefix alphaupsilontauomicron (auto) "self" and ...
Any continuous function G:B^n->B^n has a fixed point, where B^n={x in R^n:x_1^2+...+x_n^2<=1} is the unit n-ball.
Given any open set U in R^n with compact closure K=U^_, there exist smooth functions which are identically one on U and vanish arbitrarily close to U. One way to express this ...
Let A and B be any sets with empty intersection, and let |X| denote the cardinal number of a set X. Then |A|+|B|=|A union B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; ...
A self-avoiding polygon containing three corners of its minimal bounding rectangle. The anisotropic area and perimeter generating function G(x,y) and partial generating ...
A general space based on the line element ds=F(x^1,...,x^n;dx^1,...,dx^n), with F(x,y)>0 for y!=0 a function on the tangent bundle T(M), and homogeneous of degree 1 in y. ...
For the hyperbolic partial differential equation u_(xy) = F(x,y,u,p,q) (1) p = u_x (2) q = u_y (3) on a domain Omega, Goursat's problem asks to find a solution u(x,y) of (3) ...
"The" Griffiths point Gr is the fixed point in Griffiths' theorem. Given four points on a circle and a line through the center of the circle, the four corresponding Griffiths ...
The isogonal mittenpunkt M^' is the isogonal conjugate of the mittenpunkt. It is the homothetic center of the excentral and contact triangles (Gallatly 1913, pp. 17-18). It ...
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