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The sequence defined by e_0=2 and the quadratic recurrence equation e_n=1+product_(i=0)^(n-1)e_i=e_(n-1)^2-e_(n-1)+1. (1) This sequence arises in Euclid's proof that there ...
A region in a knot or link projection plane surrounded by a circle such that the knot or link crosses the circle exactly four times. Two tangles are equivalent if a sequence ...
The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base-10 (i.e., in the decimal system). In this system, each "decimal place" consists of a digit 0-9 arranged such ...
The inverse tangent is the multivalued function tan^(-1)z (Zwillinger 1995, p. 465), also denoted arctanz (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 79; Harris and Stocker 1998, p. 311; ...
The Chebotarev density theorem is a complicated theorem in algebraic number theory which yields an asymptotic formula for the density of prime ideals of a number field K that ...
Construct a square equal in area to a circle using only a straightedge and compass. This was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity, and was perhaps first attempted ...
A plot of the map winding number W resulting from mode locking as a function of Omega for the circle map theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n) (1) with K=1. (Since ...
A beautiful approximation to the Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma is given by pi/(2e)=0.57786367... (1) (OEIS A086056; E. W. Weisstein, Apr. 18, 2006), which is good to three ...
A field K is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension), denoted K/F, of a field F if F is a subfield of K. For example, the complex numbers are an ...
A prime p for which 1/p has a maximal period decimal expansion of p-1 digits. Full reptend primes are sometimes also called long primes (Conway and Guy 1996, pp. 157-163 and ...
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