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The octahemioctahedron, also called the octatetrahedron, is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 3 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 68 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 37 ...
An octic graph is a regular graph of degree eight. The numbers of simple octic graphs on n=9, 10, 11, ... nodes are 1, 6, 94, 10786, 3459386, ... (OEIS A014378). Examples are ...
The set of octonions, also sometimes called Cayley numbers and denoted O, consists of the elements in a Cayley algebra. A typical octonion is of the form ...
An odd number is an integer of the form n=2k+1, where k is an integer. The odd numbers are therefore ..., -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, ... (OEIS A005408), which are also the gnomonic ...
An odd permutation is a permutation obtainable from an odd number of two-element swaps, i.e., a permutation with permutation symbol equal to -1. For initial set {1,2,3,4}, ...
An odious number is a nonnegative number that has an odd number of 1s in its binary expansion. The first few odious numbers are therefore 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, ...
Let two disks of radius r intersect one another perpendicularly and have a diameter in common. If the distance between the centers of the disks is sqrt(2) times their radius, ...
Consider the decimal expansion of the reciprocal of the number seven, 1/7=0.142857142857...=0.142857^_, (1) which is a repeating decimal. Now take overlapping pairs of these ...
A function H that maps an arbitrary length message M to a fixed length message digest MD is a one-way hash function if 1. It is a one-way function. 2. Given M and H(M), it is ...
Ono (1914) conjectured that the inequality 27(b^2+c^2-a^2)^2(a^2+c^2-b^2)^2(a^2+b^2-c^2)^2<=(4K)^6 holds true for all triangles, where a, b, and c are the lengths of the ...
