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8581 - 8590 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

A non-zero module which is not the direct sum of two of its proper submodules. The negation of indecomposable is, of course, decomposable. An abstract vector space is ...
Assume X, Y, and Z are lotteries. Denote "X is preferred to Y" as X≻Y, and indifference between them by X∼Y. One version of the probability axioms are then given by the ...
An independent dominating set of a graph G is a set of vertices in G that is both an independent vertex set and a dominating set of G. The minimum size of an independent ...
An independent edge set (also called a matching) of a graph G is a subset of the edges such that no two edges in the subset share a vertex of G (Skiena 1990, p. 219). The ...
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
Let sigma_infty(n) be the sum of the infinitary divisors of a number n. An infinitary perfect number is a number n such that sigma_infty(n)=2n. The first few are 6, 60, 90, ...
A set of elements S is said to be infinite if the elements of a proper subset S^' can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the elements of S. An infinite set whose ...
An infinitesimal transformation of a vector r is given by r^'=(I+e)r, (1) where the matrix e is infinitesimal and I is the identity matrix. (Note that the infinitesimal ...
Define the "information function" to be I=-sum_(i=1)^NP_i(epsilon)ln[P_i(epsilon)], (1) where P_i(epsilon) is the natural measure, or probability that element i is populated, ...
The branch of mathematics dealing with the efficient and accurate storage, transmission, and representation of information.
