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8011 - 8020 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

The set containing no elements, commonly denoted emptyset or emptyset, the former of which is used in this work. These correspond to Wolfram Language and TeX characters ...
An encoding is a way of representing a number or expression in terms of another (usually simpler) one. However, multiple expressions can also be encoded as a single ...
A structure consisting of an ordered set of sorted lists such that the head and tail entries of later lists nest within earlier ones. For example, an encroaching list set for ...
The endodocehedron, also called the concave pyrohedral dodecahedron, is the concave solid corresponding to the interior void formed when each face of a regular dodecahedron ...
The term endomorphism derives from the Greek adverb endon ("inside") and morphosis ("to form" or "to shape"). In algebra, an endomorphism of a group, module, ring, vector ...
In geometry, an endpoint is one of the two points at the boundary of a line segment. In analysis, an endpoint is one of the two points at the boundary of a closed interval or ...
Endraß surfaces are a pair of octic surfaces which have 168 ordinary double points. This is the maximum number known to exist for an octic surface, although the rigorous ...
The Engel polyhedra are two 38-faced plesiohedra (and hence space-filling) discovered by Engel (Engel 1981; Engel 1986, p. 220; Grünbaum and Shephard 1980; Senechal 1990, ...
Engineering notation is a version of scientific notation in which the exponent p in expressions of the form a×10^p is chosen to always be divisible by 3. Numbers of forms ...
An enneahedron, also called a nonahedron, is a nine-faced polyhedron. The term "enneahedron" is generally preferred over "nonahedron" since while the former combines the ...
