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7841 - 7850 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

A (Delta,D)-graph is a graph with maximum vertex degree Delta and diameter at most D. The order of a graph with degree Delta of diameter D is bounded by ...
The word "degree" has many meanings in mathematics. The most common meaning is the unit of angle measure defined such that an entire rotation is 360 degrees. This unit harks ...
A diagonal matrix D=diag(d_1,...,d_n) sometimes also called the valency matrix corresponding to a graph that has the vertex degree of d_i in the ith position (Skiena 1990, p. ...
An embedding of a 1-sphere in a 3-manifold which exists continuously over the 2-disk also extends over the disk as an embedding. An alternate phrasing is that if a knot group ...
The Delaunay triangulation is a triangulation which is equivalent to the nerve of the cells in a Voronoi diagram, i.e., that triangulation of the convex hull of the points in ...
A deletable prime is a prime number which has the property that deleting digits one at a time in some order gives a prime at each step. For example, 410256793 is a deletable ...
The Delsarte graph is a strongly regular graph on 243 vertices with regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(243,110,37,60). It is distance-regular as well as distance-transitive ...
Given a set X, let F be a nonempty set of subsets of X. Then F is a ring if, for every pair of sets in F, the intersection, union, and set difference is also in F. F is ...
Amazingly, the catacaustic of the deltoid when the rays are parallel in any direction is an astroid. In particular, for a deltoid with parametric equations x = 2cost+cos(2t) ...
In continuum theory, a dendrite is a locally connected continuum that contains no simple closed curve. A semicircle is therefore a dendrite, while a triangle is not. The term ...
