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7811 - 7820 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

Let A_1, A_2, A_3, and A_4 be four points on a circle, and H_1, H_2, H_3, H_4 the orthocenters of triangles DeltaA_2A_3A_4, etc. If, from the eight points, four with ...
A sophisticated checksum (often abbreviated CRC), which is based on the algebra of polynomials over the integers (mod 2). It is substantially more reliable in detecting ...
A plane partition whose solid Ferrers diagram is invariant under the rotation which cyclically permutes the x-, y-, and z-axes. Macdonald's plane partition conjecture gives a ...
Let P=alpha:beta:gamma be a point not on a sideline of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Let A^' be the point of intersection AP intersection BC, B^'=BP intersection AC, and ...
The cyclocevian triangle DeltaA^('')B^('')C^('') of a reference triangle DeltaABC with respect to a point P is the triangle formed by the vertices determined by the ...
The polar curve r=1+2cos(2theta) (1) that can be used for angle trisection. It was devised by Ceva in 1699, who termed it the cycloidum anomalarum (Loomis 1968, p. 29). It ...
The equation x^p=1, where solutions zeta_k=e^(2piik/p) are the roots of unity sometimes called de Moivre numbers. Gauss showed that the cyclotomic equation can be reduced to ...
A cyclotomic field Q(zeta) is obtained by adjoining a primitive root of unity zeta, say zeta^n=1, to the rational numbers Q. Since zeta is primitive, zeta^k is also an nth ...
Consider two cylinders as illustrated above (Hubbell 1965) where the cylinders have radii r_1 and r_2 with r_1<=r_2, the larger cylinder is oriented along the z-axis, and ...
The maximum number of pieces into which a cylinder can be divided by n oblique cuts is given by f(n) = (n+1; 3)+n+1 (1) = 1/6(n+1)(n^2-n+6) (2) = 1/6(n^3+5n+6), (3) where (a; ...
