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5081 - 5090 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results
The number of elements greater than i to the left of i in a permutation gives the ith element of the inversion vector (Skiena 1990, p. 27).
An invertible linear transformation T:V->W is a map between vector spaces V and W with an inverse map which is also a linear transformation. When T is given by matrix ...
A polynomial admitting a multiplicative inverse. In the polynomial ring R[x], where R is an integral domain, the invertible polynomials are precisely the constant polynomials ...
A polynomial map phi_(f), with f=(f_1,...,f_n) in (K[X_1,...,X_n])^m in a field K is called invertible if there exist g_1,...,g_m in K[X_1,...,x_n] such that ...
An involutive algebra is an algebra A together with a map a|->a^* of A into A (a so-called involution), satisfying the following properties: 1. (a^*)^*=a. 2. (ab)^*=b^*a^*. ...
A linear transformation of period two. Since a linear transformation has the form, lambda^'=(alphalambda+beta)/(gammalambda+delta), (1) applying the transformation a second ...
A square matrix A such that A^2=I, where I is the identity matrix. An involutory matrix is its own matrix inverse.
The Ionin-Kharaghani graph is a strongly regular graph on 765 vertices and 73440 edges. It has regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(765,192,48,48). It is implemented in the ...
The illusion shown above which was discovered by Helmholtz in the 19th century. Despite the fact that the two above figures are identical in size, the white hole looks bigger ...
A sequence of positive integers {a_n} such that sum1/(a_nb_n) is irrational for all integer sequences {b_n}. Erdős showed that {2^(2^n)}={1,2,4,16,256,...} (OEIS A001146) is ...
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