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In the fields of functional and harmonic analysis, the Littlewood-Paley decomposition is a particular way of decomposing the phase plane which takes a single function and ...
In analysis, the phrase "Riesz-Fischer theorem" is used to describe a number of results concerning the convergence of Cauchy sequences in L-p spaces. The theorem is named for ...
An AB percolation is a discrete percolation model in which the underlying point lattice graph L has the properties that each of its graph vertices is occupied by an atom ...
In simple terms, let x, y, and z be members of an algebra. Then the algebra is said to be associative if x·(y·z)=(x·y)·z, (1) where · denotes multiplication. More formally, ...
An axiom is a proposition regarded as self-evidently true without proof. The word "axiom" is a slightly archaic synonym for postulate. Compare conjecture or hypothesis, both ...
A B-spline is a generalization of the Bézier curve. Let a vector known as the knot vector be defined T={t_0,t_1,...,t_m}, (1) where T is a nondecreasing sequence with t_i in ...
The backward difference is a finite difference defined by del _p=del f_p=f_p-f_(p-1). (1) Higher order differences are obtained by repeated operations of the backward ...
The numbers three and four appear prominently in the game of baseball. There are three strikes for an out, three outs per half-inning (i.e., teams switch after three outs, ...
The entire function B(z) = [(sin(piz))/pi]^2[2/z+sum_(n=0)^(infty)1/((z-n)^2)-sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/((z+n)^2)] (1) = 1-(2sin^2(piz))/(pi^2z^2)[z^2psi_1(z)-z-1], (2) where ...
A binary quadratic form is a quadratic form in two variables having the form Q(x,y)=ax^2+2bxy+cy^2, (1) commonly denoted <a,b,c>. Consider a binary quadratic form with real ...
