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201 - 210 of 473 for Fourier synthesysSearch Results

A rooted tree in which the order of the subtrees is significant. There is a one-to-one correspondence between ordered forests with n nodes and binary trees with n nodes.
The orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipse is the circle with center at alpha_2=1/a, (1) corresponding to the triangle centroid G and radius ...
The Pappus spiral is the name given to the conical spiral with parametric equations x(t) = asin(alphat)cost (1) y(t) = asin(alphat)sint (2) x(t) = acos(alphat) (3) by ...
A figurate number which is given by Ptop_n=1/4Te_n(n+3)=1/(24)n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3), where Te_n is the nth tetrahedral number. The first few pentatope numbers are 1, 5, 15, 35, ...
The Plateau curves were studied by the Belgian physicist and mathematician Joseph Plateau. They have Cartesian equation x = (asin[(m+n)t])/(sin[(m-n)t]) (1) y = ...
Every bounded operator T acting on a Hilbert space H has a decomposition T=U|T|, where |T|=(T^*T)^(1/2) and U is a partial isometry. This decomposition is called polar ...
The study of harmonic functions (also called potential functions).
A tangent vector v_(p)=v_1x_u+v_2x_v is a principal vector iff det[v_2^2 -v_1v_2 v_1^2; E F G; e f g]=0, where e, f, and g are coefficients of the first fundamental form and ...
The 4-polyhex illustrated above.
The notation Q^_ denotes the algebraic closure of the rational numbers Q. This is equivalent to the set of algebraic numbers, sometimes denoted A.
