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A complex map is a map f:C->C. The following table lists several common types of complex maps. map formula domain complex magnification f(z)=az a in R, a>0 complex rotation ...
A subset tau in S_n of a permutation {1,...,n} is said to contain alpha in S_k if there exist 1<=i_1<...<i_k<=n such that tau=(tau_i,...,tau_k) is order isomorphic to ...
The covercosine, also called the coversed cosine, is a little-used trigonometric function defined by covercos(z) = vercos(1/2pi-z) (1) = 1+sinz, (2) where vercosz is the ...
A cube 35-compound can be constructed as the dual of the octahedron 35-compound. It will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram Language as ...
int_0^inftye^(-omegaT)cos(omegat)domega=T/(t^2+T^2), which can be computed using integration by parts.
The dihedral group D_2 is a point group that is isomorphic to the vierergruppe and the finite group C_2×C_2.
An expansion based on the roots of x^(-n)[xJ_n^'(x)+HJ_n(x)]=0, where J_n(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, is called a Dini expansion.
A domatic partition is a partition of the vertices of a graph into disjoint dominating sets. The maximum number of disjoint dominating sets in a domatic partition of a graph ...
The Doppler spiral is the curve obtained from an Archimedes' spiral which is translated horizontally with speed k. It has parametric equations x(t) = a(tcost+kt) (1) y(t) = ...
The eccentric angle of a point on an ellipse with semimajor axes of length a and semiminor axes of length b is the angle t in the parametrization x = acost (1) y = bsint, (2) ...
