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921 - 930 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results
A Banach algebra is an algebra B over a field F endowed with a norm ||·|| such that B is a Banach space under the norm ||·|| and ||xy||<=||x||||y||. F is frequently taken to ...
A polynomial sequence p_n(x) is called the basic polynomial sequence for a delta operator Q if 1. p_0(x)=1, 2. p_n(0)=0 for all n>0, 3. Qp_n(x)=np_(n-1)(x). If p_n(x) is a ...
The Behrmann cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with a standard parallel of phi_s=30 degrees.
An identity in calculus of variations discovered in 1868 by Beltrami. The Euler-Lagrange differential equation is (partialf)/(partialy)-d/(dx)((partialf)/(partialy_x))=0. (1) ...
A point B is said to lie between points A and C (where A, B, and C are distinct collinear points) if AB+BC=AC. A number of Euclid's proofs depend on the idea of betweenness ...
The "binary" Champernowne constant is obtained by concatenating the binary representations of the integers C_2 = 0.(1)(10)(11)(100)(101)(110)(111)..._2 (1) = ...
Binet's formula is an equation which gives the nth Fibonacci number as a difference of positive and negative nth powers of the golden ratio phi. It can be written as F_n = ...
In homogeneous coordinates, the first positive quadrant joins (0,1) with (1,0) by "points" (f_1,f_2), and is mapped onto the hyperbolic line -infty<u<+infty by the ...
The linear Boussinesq equation is the partial differential equation u_(tt)-alpha^2u_(xx)=beta^2u_(xxtt) (1) (Whitham 1974, p. 9; Zwillinger 1997, p. 129). The nonlinear ...
The Brocard inellipse is the inconic with parameters x:y:z=1/a:1/b:1/c, (1) giving the trilinear equation ...
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