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Let S be a nonempty set, then a filter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1. emptyset not in F, 2. If A,B in F, then A ...
A Kapteyn series is a series of the form sum_(n=0)^inftyalpha_nJ_(nu+n)[(nu+n)z], (1) where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind. Examples include Kapteyn's original ...
The sawtooth wave, called the "castle rim function" by Trott (2004, p. 228), is the periodic function given by S(x)=Afrac(x/T+phi), (1) where frac(x) is the fractional part ...
The square wave, also called a pulse train, or pulse wave, is a periodic waveform consisting of instantaneous transitions between two levels. The square wave is sometimes ...
The triangle of numbers A_(n,k) given by A_(n,1)=A_(n,n)=1 (1) and the recurrence relation A_(n+1,k)=kA_(n,k)+(n+2-k)A_(n,k-1) (2) for k in [2,n], where A_(n,k) are shifted ...
The general ellipsoid, also called a triaxial ellipsoid, is a quadratic surface which is given in Cartesian coordinates by (x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)+(z^2)/(c^2)=1, (1) where ...
To predict the result of a measurement requires (1) a model of the system under investigation, and (2) a physical theory linking the parameters of the model to the parameters ...
The Eisenstein integers, sometimes also called the Eisenstein-Jacobi integers (Finch 2003, p. 601), are numbers of the form a+bomega, where a and b are normal integers, ...
A self-intersecting minimal surface which can be generated using the Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization with f(z) = 1 (1) g(z) = zeta. (2) Letting z=re^(iphi) and taking ...
The (circular) helicoid is the minimal surface having a (circular) helix as its boundary. It is the only ruled minimal surface other than the plane (Catalan 1842, do Carmo ...
