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231 - 240 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results

The surface given by the parametric equations x = e^(bv)cosv+e^(av)cosucosv (1) y = e^(bv)sinv+e^(av)cosusinv (2) z = e^(av)sinu. (3) For a=b=1, the coefficients of the first ...
A Monge patch is a patch x:U->R^3 of the form x(u,v)=(u,v,h(u,v)), (1) where U is an open set in R^2 and h:U->R is a differentiable function. The coefficients of the first ...
A surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = u (1) y(u,v) = v (2) z(u,v) = 1/3u^3-1/2v^2. (3) The coefficients of the coefficients of the first fundamental form are E ...
Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature, also called Chebyshev quadrature, is a Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with weighting function W(x)=(1-x^2)^(-1/2) (Abramowitz and ...
The Gauss map is a function N from an oriented surface M in Euclidean space R^3 to the unit sphere in R^3. It associates to every point on the surface its oriented unit ...
Jackson's theorem is a statement about the error E_n(f) of the best uniform approximation to a real function f(x) on [-1,1] by real polynomials of degree at most n. Let f(x) ...
A Fourier series-like expansion of a twice continuously differentiable function f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_nJ_0(nx) (1) for 0<x<pi, where J_0(x) is a zeroth order Bessel ...
A function representable as a generalized Fourier series. Let R be a metric space with metric rho(x,y). Following Bohr (1947), a continuous function x(t) for (-infty<t<infty) ...
A family of operators mapping each space M_k of modular forms onto itself. For a fixed integer k and any positive integer n, the Hecke operator T_n is defined on the set M_k ...
In 1979, Conway and Norton discovered an unexpected intimate connection between the monster group M and the j-function. The Fourier expansion of j(tau) is given by (1) (OEIS ...
