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91 - 100 of 996 for Fast Fourier TransformSearch Results

Let phi(t) be the characteristic function, defined as the Fourier transform of the probability density function P(x) using Fourier transform parameters a=b=1, phi(t) = ...
Let Xi be the xi-function defined by Xi(iz)=1/2(z^2-1/4)pi^(-z/2-1/4)Gamma(1/2z+1/4)zeta(z+1/2). (1) Xi(z/2)/8 can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the signal ...
An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled ...
Recall the definition of the autocorrelation function C(t) of a function E(t), C(t)=int_(-infty)^inftyE^_(tau)E(t+tau)dtau. (1) Also recall that the Fourier transform of E(t) ...
If f(omega) is square integrable over the real omega-axis, then any one of the following implies the other two: 1. The Fourier transform F(t)=F_omega[f(omega)](t) is 0 for ...
F_k[P_N(k)](x)=F_k[exp(-N|k|^beta)](x), where F is the Fourier transform of the probability P_N(k) for N-step addition of random variables. Lévy showed that beta in (0,2) for ...
A convolution is an integral that expresses the amount of overlap of one function g as it is shifted over another function f. It therefore "blends" one function with another. ...
The cylinder function is defined as C(x,y)={1 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)<=a; 0 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)>a. (1) The Bessel functions are sometimes also called cylinder functions. To find the ...
Because the Legendre polynomials form a complete orthogonal system over the interval [-1,1] with respect to the weighting function w(x)=1, any function f(x) may be expanded ...
Let n>=0 and alpha_1, alpha_2, the positive roots of J_n(x)=0, where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind. An expansion of a function in the interval (0,1) in ...
