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261 - 270 of 996 for Fast Fourier TransformSearch Results

A square matrix A such that A^2=I, where I is the identity matrix. An involutory matrix is its own matrix inverse.
The equation defining Killing vectors. L_Xg_(ab)=X_(a;b)+X_(b;a)=2X_((a;b))=0, where L is the Lie derivative and X_(b;a) is a covariant derivative.
Let alpha(x) be a monotone increasing function and define an interval I=(x_1,x_2). Then define the nonnegative function U(I)=alpha(x_2)-alpha(x_1). The Lebesgue integral with ...
A linear code over a finite field with q elements F_q is a linear subspace C subset F_q^n. The vectors forming the subspace are called codewords. When codewords are chosen ...
A tree not having the complete bipartite graph K_(1,2) with base at the vertex of degree two as a limb (Lu et al. 1993, Lu 1996).
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')-[(m(m+1)+1/4-(m+1/2)cosx)/(sin^2x)+(lambda+1/2)]y=0.
For every infinite loop space machine E, there is a natural equivalence of spectra between EX and Segal's spectrum BX.
(e^(ypsi_0(x))Gamma(x))/(Gamma(x+y))=product_(n=0)^infty(1+y/(n+x))e^(-y/(n+x)), where psi_0(x) is the digamma function and Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
A mixed graph in which both directed and undirected edges may exist. If only directed edges exist, the graph is called a directed graph. If only undirected edges exist, it is ...
A collection of moves together with a corresponding set of weights which are followed probabilistically in the playing of a game. The minimax theorem of game theory states ...
