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A unit circle is a circle of unit radius, i.e., of radius 1. The unit circle plays a significant role in a number of different areas of mathematics. For example, the ...
The Walsh functions consist of trains of square pulses (with the allowed states being -1 and 1) such that transitions may only occur at fixed intervals of a unit time step, ...
Bracewell's term for the delta function.
Let {a_i}_(i=0)^(N-1) be a periodic sequence, then the autocorrelation of the sequence, sometimes called the periodic autocorrelation (Zwillinger 1995, p. 223), is the ...
Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
The cross-correlation of two complex functions f(t) and g(t) of a real variable t, denoted f*g is defined by f*g=f^_(-t)*g(t), (1) where * denotes convolution and f^_(t) is ...
The rectangle function Pi(x) is a function that is 0 outside the interval [-1/2,1/2] and unity inside it. It is also called the gate function, pulse function, or window ...
Let X_1,X_2,...,X_N be a set of N independent random variates and each X_i have an arbitrary probability distribution P(x_1,...,x_N) with mean mu_i and a finite variance ...
A 90-sided polygon.
