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381 - 390 of 524 for Factors, multiples, and divisibilitySearch Results
A system of curvilinear coordinates. There are several different conventions for the orientation and designation of these coordinates. Arfken (1970) defines coordinates ...
The term "product" refers to the result of one or more multiplications. For example, the mathematical statement a×b=c would be read "a times b equals c," where a is called ...
A quasiperfect number, called a "slightly excessive number" by Singh (1997), is a "least" abundant number, i.e., one such that sigma(n)=2n+1. Quasiperfect numbers are ...
A repunit prime is a repunit (i.e., a number consisting of copies of the single digit 1) that is also a prime number. The base-10 repunit (possibly probable) primes ...
A function f in C^infty(R^n) is called a Schwartz function if it goes to zero as |x|->infty faster than any inverse power of x, as do all its derivatives. That is, a function ...
A proper ideal I of a ring R is called semiprime if, whenever J^n subset I for an ideal J of R and some positive integer, then J subset I. In other words, the quotient ring ...
Let A be an n×n matrix over a field F. Using the three elementary row and column operations over elements in the field, the n×n matrix xI-A with entries from the principal ...
That part of a positive integer left after all square factors are divided out. For example, the squarefree part of 24=2^3·3 is 6, since 6·2^2=24. For n=1, 2, ..., the first ...
A determinant used to determine in which coordinate systems the Helmholtz differential equation is separable (Morse and Feshbach 1953). A determinant S=|Phi_(mn)|=|Phi_(11) ...
A superior highly composite number is a positive integer n for which there is an e>0 such that (d(n))/(n^e)>=(d(k))/(k^e) for all k>1, where the function d(n) counts the ...
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