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271 - 280 of 524 for Factors, multiples, and divisibilitySearch Results
An even permutation is a permutation obtainable from an even number of two-element swaps, i.e., a permutation with permutation symbol equal to +1. For initial set {1,2,3,4}, ...
The Frobenius number is the largest value b for which the Frobenius equation a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=b, (1) has no solution, where the a_i are positive integers, b is an ...
Let the multiples m, 2m, ..., [(p-1)/2]m of an integer such that pm be taken. If there are an even number r of least positive residues mod p of these numbers >p/2, then m is ...
A d-dimensional framework is a pair (G,p) where G=(V,E) is a graph with vertex set V and edge set E and p:V->R^d is a map that assigns a point in R^d to each vertex of G. The ...
In music, if a note has frequency f, integer multiples of that frequency, 2f,3f,4f and so on, are known as harmonics. As a result, the mathematical study of overlapping waves ...
As Lagrange showed, any irrational number alpha has an infinity of rational approximations p/q which satisfy |alpha-p/q|<1/(sqrt(5)q^2). (1) Furthermore, if there are no ...
For an algebraic curve, the total number of groups of a g_N^r consisting in a point of multiplicity k_1, one of multiplicity k_2, ..., one of multiplicity k_rho, where sumk_i ...
Each double point assigned to an irreducible algebraic curve whose curve genus is nonnegative imposes exactly one condition.
A linear system of equations is a set of n linear equations in k variables (sometimes called "unknowns"). Linear systems can be represented in matrix form as the matrix ...
Nonhomogeneous matrix equations of the form Ax=b (1) can be solved by taking the matrix inverse to obtain x=A^(-1)b. (2) This equation will have a nontrivial solution iff the ...
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