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451 - 460 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results
A formula for the number of Young tableaux associated with a given Ferrers diagram. In each box, write the sum of one plus the number of boxes horizontally to the right and ...
Let I be a set, and let U be an ultrafilter on I, let phi be a formula of a given language L, and let {A_i:i in I} be any collection of structures which is indexed by the set ...
Let A be the area of a simply closed lattice polygon. Let B denote the number of lattice points on the polygon edges and I the number of points in the interior of the ...
The formula giving the roots of a quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 (1) as x=(-b+/-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a). (2) An alternate form is given by x=(2c)/(-b+/-sqrt(b^2-4ac)). (3)
Interest which is paid only on the principal and not on the additional amount generated by previous interest payments. A formula for computing simple interest is ...
There are at least two meanings of the term "total derivative" in mathematics. The first is as an alternate term for the convective derivative. The total derivative is the ...
There are essentially three types of Fisher-Tippett extreme value distributions. The most common is the type I distribution, which are sometimes referred to as Gumbel types ...
As a consequence of Matiyasevich's refutation of Hilbert's 10th problem, it can be proved that there does not exist a general algorithm for solving a general quartic ...
Successive application of Archimedes' recurrence formula gives the Archimedes algorithm, which can be used to provide successive approximations to pi (pi). The algorithm is ...
The circle method is a method employed by Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood to solve many asymptotic problems in additive number theory, particularly in deriving an asymptotic ...
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