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1511 - 1520 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results
An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length a, corresponding to what could also be known as a "regular" triangle. An equilateral triangle is ...
A number x in which the first n decimal digits of the fractional part frac(x) sum to 666 is known as an evil number (Pegg and Lomont 2004). However, the term "evil" is also ...
An ideal is a subset I of elements in a ring R that forms an additive group and has the property that, whenever x belongs to R and y belongs to I, then xy and yx belong to I. ...
It is possible to perform multiplication of large numbers in (many) fewer operations than the usual brute-force technique of "long multiplication." As discovered by Karatsuba ...
The Laguerre polynomials are solutions L_n(x) to the Laguerre differential equation with nu=0. They are illustrated above for x in [0,1] and n=1, 2, ..., 5, and implemented ...
The scalar form of Laplace's equation is the partial differential equation del ^2psi=0, (1) where del ^2 is the Laplacian. Note that the operator del ^2 is commonly written ...
The logarithm log_bx for a base b and a number x is defined to be the inverse function of taking b to the power x, i.e., b^x. Therefore, for any x and b, x=log_b(b^x), (1) or ...
Expressions of the form lim_(k->infty)x_0+sqrt(x_1+sqrt(x_2+sqrt(...+x_k))) (1) are called nested radicals. Herschfeld (1935) proved that a nested radical of real nonnegative ...
Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomials {p_n(x)} defined over a range [a,b] that obey an orthogonality relation int_a^bw(x)p_m(x)p_n(x)dx=delta_(mn)c_n, (1) where ...
A pairing function is a function that reversibly maps Z^*×Z^* onto Z^*, where Z^*={0,1,2,...} denotes nonnegative integers. Pairing functions arise naturally in the ...
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