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1131 - 1140 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results

The Earls sequence gives the starting position in the decimal digits of pi (or in general, any constant), not counting digits to the left of the decimal point, at which a ...
A generalized continued fraction is an expression of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))), (1) where the partial numerators a_1,a_2,... and partial ...
Maximize the distance a Jeep can penetrate into the desert using a given quantity of fuel. The Jeep is allowed to go forward, unload some fuel, and then return to its base ...
Let f(z) be an entire function such that f(n) is an integer for each positive integer n. Then Pólya (1915) showed that if lim sup_(r->infty)(lnM_r)/r<ln2=0.693... (1) (OEIS ...
The mean deviation (also called the mean absolute deviation) is the mean of the absolute deviations of a set of data about the data's mean. For a sample size N, the mean ...
The trilinear pole of the orthotransversal of a point P is called its orthocorrespondent. The orthocorrespondent of a point P=p:q:r is given by where S_A, S_B, and S_C is ...
The polar coordinates r (the radial coordinate) and theta (the angular coordinate, often called the polar angle) are defined in terms of Cartesian coordinates by x = ...
Quicksort is the fastest known comparison-based sorting algorithm (on average, and for a large number of elements), requiring O(nlgn) steps. Quicksort is a recursive ...
Number Theory
The point at which the three lines connecting the vertices of two perspective triangles concur, sometimes also called the perspective center, homology center, or pole. In the ...
