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461 - 470 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the sets of equivalent correspondences (not of value 0) on an irreducible curve of curve genus p, and the rational collineations ...
A diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements all contain the same scalar lambda. A scalar matrix is therefore equivalent to lambdaI, where I is the identity matrix.
If J is a simple closed curve in R^2, the closure of one of the components of R^2-J is homeomorphic with the unit 2-ball. This theorem may be proved using the Riemann mapping ...
A seminorm is a function on a vector space V, denoted ||v||, such that the following conditions hold for all v and w in V, and any scalar c. 1. ||v||>=0, 2. ||cv||=|c|||v||, ...
The space of immersions of a manifold in another manifold is homotopically equivalent to the space of bundle injections from the tangent space of the first to the tangent ...
Two vector bundles are stably equivalent iff isomorphic vector bundles are obtained upon Whitney summing each vector bundle with a trivial vector bundle.
The Stiefel manifold of orthonormal k-frames in R^n is the collection of vectors (v_1, ..., v_k) where v_i is in R^n for all i, and the k-tuple (v_1, ..., v_k) is ...
Summation by parts for discrete variables is the equivalent of integration by parts for continuous variables Delta^(-1)[v(x)Deltau(x)]=u(x)v(x)-Delta^(-1)[Eu(x)Deltav(x)], ...
A knot equivalent to a polygonal knot. Knots which are not tame are called wild knots.
A lamp is turned on for 1/2 minute, off for 1/4 minute, on for 1/8 minute, etc. At the end of one minute, the lamp switch will have been moved aleph_0 times, where aleph_0 is ...
