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1191 - 1200 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

An apex graph is a graph possessing at least one vertex whose removal results in a planar graph. The set of vertices whose removal results in a planar graph is known as the ...
The Champernowne constant has decimal expansion C=0.1234567891011... (OEIS A033307). The Earls sequence (starting position of n copies of the digit n) for e is given for n=1, ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...
The proposal originally made by Georg Cantor that there is no infinite set with a cardinal number between that of the "small" infinite set of integers aleph_0 and the "large" ...
The Copeland-Erdős constant has decimal expansion C=0.23571113... (OEIS A033308). The Earls sequence (starting position of n copies of the digit n) for e is given for n=1, 2, ...
There are several attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of three cubes. The first (left figures) arises by joining three cubes such that each shares two C_2 axes (Holden ...
The Dehn invariant is a constant defined using the angles and edge lengths of a three-dimensional polyhedron. It is significant because it remains constant under polyhedron ...
The probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its greatest prime factor <=x^alpha approaches a limiting value F(alpha) as x->infty, where F(alpha)=1 for ...
The classic treatise in geometry written by Euclid and used as a textbook for more than 1000 years in western Europe. An Arabic version The Elements appears at the end of the ...
Fuglede (1974) conjectured that a domain Omega admits an operator spectrum iff it is possible to tile R^d by a family of translates of Omega. Fuglede proved the conjecture in ...
