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1071 - 1080 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

Let X be a normed space and X^(**)=(X^*)^* denote the second dual vector space of X. The canonical map x|->x^^ defined by x^^(f)=f(x),f in X^* gives an isometric linear ...
Let f be analytic on the unit disk, and assume that 1. |f(z)|<=1 for all z, and 2. f(a)=b for some a,b in D(0,1), the unit disk. Then |f^'(a)|<=(1-|b|^2)/(1-|a|^2). (1) ...
The 12-faced convex deltahedra also known as the Siamese dodecahedron, which is also Johnson solid J_(84). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Bessel functions of the first kind J_n(x) are defined as the solutions to the Bessel differential equation x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)+(x^2-n^2)y=0 (1) which are ...
A general quadratic Diophantine equation in two variables x and y is given by ax^2+cy^2=k, (1) where a, c, and k are specified (positive or negative) integers and x and y are ...
In antiquity, geometric constructions of figures and lengths were restricted to the use of only a straightedge and compass (or in Plato's case, a compass only; a technique ...
The Hurwitz zeta function zeta(s,a) is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that is also known as the generalized zeta function. It is classically defined by ...
Convergents of the pi continued fractions are the simplest approximants to pi. The first few are given by 3, 22/7, 333/106, 355/113, 103993/33102, 104348/33215, ... (OEIS ...
The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
There exist a variety of formulas for either producing the nth prime as a function of n or taking on only prime values. However, all such formulas require either extremely ...
