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The first mid-arc point is the triangle center with triangle center function alpha_(177)=[cos(1/2B)+cos(1/2C)]sec(1/2A). It is Kimberling center X_(177).
The first Morley center is the center of Morley's circle. It has triangle center function alpha_(356)=cos(1/3A)+2cos(1/3B)cos(1/3C) and is Kimberling center X_(356).
A global extremum, also known as an absolute extremum, is a global minimum or global maximum. It is impossible to construct an algorithm that will find a global extremum for ...
The havercosine, also called the haversed cosine, is a little-used trigonometric function defined by havercosz = vercosz (1) = 1/2(1+cosz), (2) where vercosz is the vercosine ...
An absolutely continuous measure on partialD whose density has the form exp(x+y^_), where x and y are real-valued functions in L^infty, ||y||_infty<pi/2, exp is the ...
A limiting value of a holonomic function near a singular point. Holonomic constants include Apéry's constant, Catalan's constant, Pólya's random walk constants for d>2, and ...
The function K(alpha,t) in an integral or integral transform g(alpha)=int_a^bf(t)K(alpha,t)dt. Whittaker and Robinson (1967, p. 376) use the term nucleus for kernel.
The substitution of re^(itheta) for z in a polynomial p(z). p(z) is then plotted as a function of theta for a given r in the complex plane. By varying r so that the curve ...
A map u:R^n->R^n from a domain G is called a map of class C^r if each component of u(x)=(u_1(x_1,...,x_n),...,u_m(x_1,...,x_n)) is of class C^r (0<=r<=infty or r=omega) in G, ...
The mixtilinear circle is the circumcircle of the mixtilinear triangle, i.e., the triangle formed by the centers of the mixtilinear incircles. Neither its center not circle ...
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