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Transitivity is a result of the symmetry in the group. A group G is called transitive if its group action (understood to be a subgroup of a permutation group on a set Omega) ...
Complex Analysis
A 4-cusped hypocycloid which is sometimes also called a tetracuspid, cubocycloid, or paracycle. The parametric equations of the astroid can be obtained by plugging in n=a/b=4 ...
The conjecture made by Belgian mathematician Eugène Charles Catalan in 1844 that 8 and 9 (2^3 and 3^2) are the only consecutive powers (excluding 0 and 1). In other words, ...
Two graphs which contain the same number of graph vertices connected in the same way are said to be isomorphic. Formally, two graphs G and H with graph vertices ...
An l_x table is a tabulation of numbers which is used to calculate life expectancies. x n_x d_x l_x q_x L_x T_x e_x 0 1000 200 1.00 0.20 0.90 2.70 2.70 1 800 100 0.80 0.12 ...
A short mnemonic for remembering the first seven decimal digits of pi is "How I wish I could calculate pi" (C. Heckman, pers. comm., Feb. 3, 2005). Eight digits are given by ...
Abstract Algebra
Calculus I
On a measure space X, the set of square integrable L2-functions is an L^2-space. Taken together with the L2-inner product with respect to a measure mu, <f,g>=int_Xfgdmu (1) ...
