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The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
A null function delta^0(x) satisfies int_a^bdelta^0(x)dx=0 (1) for all a,b, so int_(-infty)^infty|delta^0(x)|dx=0. (2) Like a delta function, they satisfy delta^0(x)={0 x!=0; ...
A convex function is a continuous function whose value at the midpoint of every interval in its domain does not exceed the arithmetic mean of its values at the ends of the ...
As defined by Erdélyi et al. (1981, p. 20), the G-function is given by G(z)=psi_0(1/2+1/2z)-psi_0(1/2z), (1) where psi_0(z) is the digamma function. Integral representations ...
The q-digamma function psi_q(z), also denoted psi_q^((0))(z), is defined as psi_q(z)=1/(Gamma_q(z))(partialGamma_q(z))/(partialz), (1) where Gamma_q(z) is the q-gamma ...
A generating function f(x) is a formal power series f(x)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nx^n (1) whose coefficients give the sequence {a_0,a_1,...}. The Wolfram Language command ...
A function that arises in performance analysis of partially coherent, differentially coherent, and noncoherent communications. The generalized Marcum Q-function is defined by ...
An inverse function of an Abelian integral. Abelian functions have two variables and four periods, and can be defined by Theta(v,tau;q^'; ...
A recursive function devised by I. Takeuchi in 1978 (Knuth 1998). For integers x, y, and z, it is defined by (1) This can be described more simply by t(x,y,z)={y if x<=y; {z ...
The floor function |_x_|, also called the greatest integer function or integer value (Spanier and Oldham 1987), gives the largest integer less than or equal to x. The name ...
