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A pseudoanalytic function is a function defined using generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations. Pseudoanalytic functions come as close as possible to having complex derivatives ...
The finite Fourier cosine transform of an apodization function, also known as an apparatus function. The instrument function I(k) corresponding to a given apodization ...
There are a number of functions in mathematics denoted with upper or lower case Qs. 1. The nome q. 2. A prefix denoting q-analogs and q-series. 3. Q_n or q_n with n=0, 1, 2, ...
The sum of powers of even divisors of a number. It is the analog of the divisor function for even divisors only and is written sigma_k^((e))(n). It is given simply in terms ...
A cryptographic hash function is most commonly one of the following: a one-way hash function, a collision-free hash function, a trapdoor one-way hash function, or a function ...
A piecewise function is a function that is defined on a sequence of intervals. A common example is the absolute value, |x|={-x for x<0; 0 for x=0; x for x>0. (1) Piecewise ...
A q-analog of the gamma function defined by Gamma_q(x)=((q;q)_infty)/((q^x;q)_infty)(1-q)^(1-x), (1) where (x,q)_infty is a q-Pochhammer symbol (Koepf 1998, p. 26; Koekoek ...
A Bessel function Z_n(x) is a function defined by the recurrence relations Z_(n+1)+Z_(n-1)=(2n)/xZ_n (1) and Z_(n+1)-Z_(n-1)=-2(dZ_n)/(dx). (2) The Bessel functions are more ...
Consider a formula in prenex normal form, Q_1x_1...Q_nx_nN. If Q_i is the existential quantifier (1<=i<=n) and x_k, ..., x_m are all the universal quantifier variables such ...
A function of two variables is bilinear if it is linear with respect to each of its variables. The simplest example is f(x,y)=xy.
