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The discrete uniform distribution is also known as the "equally likely outcomes" distribution. Letting a set S have N elements, each of them having the same probability, then ...
A global field is either a number field, a function field on an algebraic curve, or an extension of transcendence degree one over a finite field. From a modern point of view, ...
A complex line bundle is a vector bundle pi:E->M whose fibers pi^(-1)(m) are a copy of C. pi is a holomorphic line bundle if it is a holomorphic map between complex manifolds ...
The inverse erf function is the inverse function erfc^(-1)(z) of erfc(x) such that erfc(erfc^(-1)(x))=erfc^(-1)(erfc(x)), (1) with the first identity holding for 0<x<2 and ...
The inverse Gaussian distribution, also known as the Wald distribution, is the distribution over [0,infty) with probability density function and distribution function given ...
Jonquière's relation, sometimes also spelled "Joncquière's relation" (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. 31), states ...
The German mathematician Kronecker proved that all the Galois extensions of the rationals Q with Abelian Galois groups are subfields of cyclotomic fields Q(mu_n), where mu_n ...
The kei_nu(z) function is defined as the imaginary part of e^(-nupii/2)K_nu(ze^(pii/4))=ker_nu(z)+ikei_nu(z), (1) where K_nu(z) is a modified Bessel function of the second ...
Kelvin defined the Kelvin functions bei and ber according to ber_nu(x)+ibei_nu(x) = J_nu(xe^(3pii/4)) (1) = e^(nupii)J_nu(xe^(-pii/4)), (2) = e^(nupii/2)I_nu(xe^(pii/4)) (3) ...
The spherical harmonics form a complete orthogonal system, so an arbitrary real function f(theta,phi) can be expanded in terms of complex spherical harmonics by ...
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