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631 - 640 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results
The Robertson graph is the unique (4,5)-cage graph, illustrated above. It has 19 vertices and 38 edges. It has girth 5, diameter 3, chromatic number 3, and is a quartic ...
The roots (sometimes also called "zeros") of an equation f(x)=0 are the values of x for which the equation is satisfied. Roots x which belong to certain sets are usually ...
The Schläfli double sixes graph is the Levi graph of the double sixes configuration.
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
Somos's quadratic recurrence constant is defined via the sequence g_n=ng_(n-1)^2 (1) with g_0=1. This has closed-form solution ...
The Szekeres snark was the fifth snark discovered, illustrated above. It has 50 vertices and edge chromatic number 4.
A figurate number Te_n of the form Te_n = sum_(k=1)^(n)T_k (1) = 1/6n(n+1)(n+2) (2) = (n+2; 3), (3) where T_k is the kth triangular number and (n; m) is a binomial ...
There are a number of hypotraceable and hypohamiltonian graphs associated with Carsten Thomassen. These graphs, illustrated above, are implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The triangle graph is the cycle graph C_3, which is isomorphic to the complete graph K_3 as well as to the complete tripartite graph K_(3×1)=K_(1,1,1) and the triangular ...
The cubic Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated cube. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
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