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321 - 330 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results

The universal cover of a connected topological space X is a simply connected space Y with a map f:Y->X that is a covering map. If X is simply connected, i.e., has a trivial ...
Two lattice points (x,y) and (x^',y^') are mutually visible if the line segment joining them contains no further lattice points. This corresponds to the requirement that ...
An antisymmetric matrix, also known as a skew-symmetric or antimetric matrix, is a square matrix that satisfies the identity A=-A^(T) (1) where A^(T) is the matrix transpose. ...
An Argand diagram is a plot of complex numbers as points z=x+iy in the complex plane using the x-axis as the real axis and y-axis as the imaginary axis. In the plot above, ...
A black bishop graph is a graph formed from possible moves of a bishop chess piece, which may make diagonal moves of any length on a chessboard (or any other board), when ...
A box integral for dimension n with parameters q and s is defined as the expectation of distance from a fixed point q of a point r chosen at random over the unit n-cube, ...
Various forms of opening and closing bracket-like delimiters are used for a number of distinct notational purposes in mathematics. The most common variants of bracket ...
Calabi's triangle is the unique triangle other that the equilateral triangle for which the largest inscribed square can be inscribed in three different ways (Calabi 1997). ...
The Cesàro fractal is a fractal also known as the torn square fractal. The base curves and motifs for the two fractals illustrated above are shown below. Starting with a unit ...
A composite knot is a knot that is not a prime knot. Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is ...
