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1581 - 1590 of 2406 for Elliptic Curve Group LawSearch Results

The keratoid cusp is quintic algebraic curve defined by y^2=x^2y+x^5. (1) It has a ramphoid cusp at the origin, horizontal tangents at (0,0) and (-6/(25),(108)/(3125)), and a ...
Let the center B of a circle of radius a move along a line BA. Let O be a fixed point located a distance c away from AB. Draw a secant line through O and D, the midpoint of ...
A list of problems in low-dimensional topology maintained by Kirby (1995). The list currently runs about 380 pages.
If a real algebraic curve has no singularities except nodes and cusps, bitangents, and inflection points, then n+2tau_2^'+iota^'=m+2delta_2^'+kappa^', where n is the order, ...
A two-dimensional planar closed surface L which has a mass M and a surface density sigma(x,y) (in units of mass per areas squared) such that M=int_Lsigma(x,y)dxdy. The center ...
Let a space curve have line elements ds_N, ds_T, and ds_B along the normal, tangent, and binormal vectors respectively, then ds_N^2=ds_T^2+ds_B^2, (1) where ds_N^2 = ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a curve to be a helix is that the ratio of curvature to torsion be constant.
The length is the longest dimension of an object.
A function giving the distribution of the interpoint distances of a curve. It is defined by p(r)=1/Nsum_(ij)delta_(r_(ij)=r).
A sphere is rigid.
