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Liouville's constant, sometimes also called Liouville's number, is the real number defined by L=sum_(n=1)^infty10^(-n!)=0.110001000000000000000001... (OEIS A012245). ...
In the fields of functional and harmonic analysis, the Littlewood-Paley decomposition is a particular way of decomposing the phase plane which takes a single function and ...
A maximum clique of a graph G is a clique (i.e., complete subgraph) of maximum possible size for G. Note that some authors refer to maximum cliques simply as "cliques." The ...
By way of analogy with the prime counting function pi(x), the notation pi_(a,b)(x) denotes the number of primes of the form ak+b less than or equal to x (Shanks 1993, pp. ...
In the technical combinatorial sense, an a-ary necklace of length n is a string of n characters, each of a possible types. Rotation is ignored, in the sense that b_1b_2...b_n ...
A nonplanar graph is a graph that is not planar. The numbers of simple nonplanar graphs on n=1, 2, ... nodes are 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 14, 222, 5380, 194815, ... (OEIS A145269), ...
A normalized form of the cumulative normal distribution function giving the probability that a variate assumes a value in the range [0,x], ...
The Pasch graph is the Levi graph of the Pasch configuration. The Pasch graph is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive, but fails to be semisymmetric since it is not ...
The Petersen family of graphs, not to be confused with generalized Petersen graphs, are a set of seven graphs obtained from the Petersen graph (or complete graph K_6) by del ...
A quadratic form Q(z) is said to be positive definite if Q(z)>0 for z!=0. A real quadratic form in n variables is positive definite iff its canonical form is ...
